Alpha Test, NewsAksìa as finalist for the Claudio Dematté Private Equity of the Year 2020 Award with Alpha Test transactionRead MoreAksìa as finalist for the Claudio Dematté Private Equity of the Year 2020 Award with Alpha Test transaction
Lameplast, NewsAksìa Group SGR as finalist for 2020’s Mediterranean Deal of the Year awardRead MoreAksìa Group SGR as finalist for 2020’s Mediterranean Deal of the Year award
Alpha Test, NewsSale of Alpha Test, the second divestment of Aksìa Capital IVRead MoreSale of Alpha Test, the second divestment of Aksìa Capital IV
Aksia, NewsAksìa Group SGR and its portfolio companies support the Italian health system with a donationRead MoreAksìa Group SGR and its portfolio companies support the Italian health system with a donation
Aksia, NewsWe adopted smart working solutions to continue support our investmentsRead MoreWe adopted smart working solutions to continue support our investments
Covisian, NewsCovisian announces eighth add-on: Avanza Externalización de ServiciosRead MoreCovisian announces eighth add-on: Avanza Externalización de Servicios
Casa della piada, NewsCasa Della Piada (CRM) acquires Gastone, leader of PGI PiadinaRead MoreCasa Della Piada (CRM) acquires Gastone, leader of PGI Piadina
News, PcgAksìa Capital V finalizes the first acquisition: Primo Group and Oasi MedicaRead MoreAksìa Capital V finalizes the first acquisition: Primo Group and Oasi Medica