Our Responsible Investment Policy defines Aksìa's vision on sustainability, the strategic direction followed in internal management of the Firm and investment management, and the process followed for this purpose.
The policy was adopted in 2020 and updated in 2023 following the increased integration of the topic into business processes and it was backed by the Board of Directors, which monitors its implementation and verifies its adequacy on a regular basis.
Energy consumption and climate change management:
Implementing solutions aimed at improving energy efficiency and reducing related emissions
Waste management:
Reducing waste production and maximizing the share of recycled/reused waste.
Natural resources and raw materials consumption:
Promoting an efficient use of natural resources and guaranteeing the quality of raw materials
Workers' health and safety:
Making safe the working environment and fostering the employees' culture of health and safety.
Human capital development and welfare:
Fostering and strengthening employees' skills and ensuring the workers wellbeing.
Respect of human rights
Providing equal opportunities, combating all forms of discrimination
Ethics and business integrity:
Ensuring compliance with law and regulations, anti-corruption and cybersecurity resilience.
Sustainability governance:
Strengthening the corporate governance and building an effective oversight of ESG topics.
Supply chain management:
Managing risks and opportunities in the supply chain and promoting the culture of sustainability in the value chain.
UN Sustainable Development Goals supported by portfolio companies
Products and services with direct impact on UN SDGs
Products and services with direct impact on UN SDGs
Business processes with indirect impact on UN SDGs
Products and services with direct impact on UN SDGs
Business processes with indirect impact on UN SDGs
Products and services with direct impact on UN SDGs
Business processes with indirect impact on UN SDGs
Key ESG performance
of our funds /
* As of 31/12/2023
esg governance /
Aksìa opts for a governance model of ESG issues that is widespread and fully integrated into the core business. Specific roles and responsibilities are defined both within the Firm and its portfolio companies to enable the effective implementation of the defined objectives.
boards of directors
esg manager
Partner and BoD member
investment team
esg director
Investment team member
boards of directors
esg director
BoD member
esg manager

Aksìa maintains its leadership in Sustainability, significantly outperforming industry standards throughout 2024.
We are proud to be a committed member of the ESG Data Convergence Initiative (EDCI), an industry-led initiative which aims to streamline the private investment industry’s historically fragmented approach to collecting ESG data and to create a critical mass of meaningful, performance-based, comparable ESG data from private companies.
More information about the Responsible Investment policy
Responsible Investment Policy
aksìa esg report 2023
Disclosure Regulation EU 2019/2088
Sustainability disclosure
Disclosure Regulation EU 2019/2088
Failure to take into account negative effects on sustainability factors
social /